Ever miss a meeting on a community issue important to you because you didn't catch the notice in the paper? Have you ever called a public meeting and then found it necessary to cancel or change it and needed to put out a notice? Ever had a need to contact the public about an important community issue?
Email listservs for Cleveland Heights and University Heights will keep subscribers posted on important issues and events pertinent to their community and schools. These listservs are automated. Subscribe and unsubscribe yourself. Post notices yourself.
The CHkiosk is for notices relevant only to Cleveland Heights residents, UHkiosk, for University Heights residents. Postings relevant to both communities such as those for the school district or the libraries should go on both listservs.
For posting please observe the following guidelines:
If you want other email based listservs for discussions, please email contactus*at*chuh.net. We can start more groups free for nonprofit purposes.
Only volunteer labor supports CHUH.NET, so we welcome your helpful problem solving.
Replace *at* with the @ symbol.
To post a notice simply email text to
or UHkiosk*at*chuh.net
or discus-ed*at*chuh.net
Remember to clearly identify the topic in the subject line.
To subscribe to CHkiosk send email From the address you want subscribed To
Nothing else is needed. You will receive a confirmation request shortly after emailing.
Follow the instructions in that email.
For UHkiosk send email to
Nothing else is needed. You will receive a confirmation request shortly after emailing.
Follow the instructions in that email.
Likewise for discus-ed, send email To
Nothing else is needed. You will receive a confirmation request shortly after emailing.
Follow the instructions in that email.
To unsubscribe, it is a similar process.
For example:
To: CHkiosk-unsubscribe*at*chuh.net
To: UHkiosk-unsubscribe*at*chuh.net
To: discus-ed-unsubscribe*at*chuh.net
Please, pass this message along to others who may wish to avail themselves of these listservs.