2514 Fairmount Boulevard (1981, 1996)


Located in the National Register of Historic Places Fairmount Boulevard District, this stately Georgian, thought to have been completed in 1925, conveys a sense of dignity and serenity to the approaching visitor.


Architects Howell & Thomas utilized classic Georgian features on this home, which can trace their ancestry to building legislation which followed the Fire of London in 1666. The balustrated parapets are one such feature, which lovely to behold, also serve as a firebreak t o the roof. Architectural urns atop the balustrades complete the ornament of this very functional feature.


The current owners have found their home to be possessed of both original features in good condition as well as other features needing complete renovation or restoration.


The efforts of the owners are praiseworthy indeed, and can be seen throughout the home. A most stunning example of their work will be found in the kitchen and pantry, which boast a new slate floor, slate countertops and backsplashes and new kitchen cabinets constructed to match those of the pantry, which are original. Two small storage areas off the kitchen were reconfigured to create one office area. A decorative wrought iron gate is planned to be installed in the driveway, which will complement the decorative wrought iron lamp posts flanking the main entrance, and the matching wrought iron sconces on the garage.


Extant features include the original slate roof, copper gutters, a bird bath, and surprisingly, original awning fabric of light gray and taupe, for the porch room. The exterior brickwork of the home is unusual in that the custom salmon kiln-fired bricks are not identical.


An exquisite library opens onto a garden where Poseidon and sea creatures conduct their aquatic activities on large garden urns, and the human mind can relax, taking in the beauty of the grounds and the architecture.